
RQ-2Ki is particularly suited for use as inner layer of crucibles for photovoltaic and semi-conductor industries, and also for tubes and ingots.

Total content of impurities <10,1 ppm.

RQ-2Ki (75-180) (ENG)

Chemical analysis

Content of impurity elements, no more, ppm:

Al B Ca Cr Cu Fe K Li Mg Mn Na Ni Ti
5 0.1 0.3 0.01 0.01 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.01 0.5 0.01 3

Particle size distribution:

Mesh size Micron (µm) Limit (wt %)
> 80 > 180 ≤ 2
200 - 80 75 - 180 ≥93
< 200 < 75 ≤ 5

RQ-2Ki is manufactured from unique Quartz deposit in Kyshtym, Russia.

Kyshtym quartz has the highest chemical purity and good transparency, and for more than 50 years been successfully used as raw material for quartz tubes of various diameter, ingots and crucibles for photovoltaic and semi-conductor industries.